All Ballet students study the Australian Dance Assessment Program (ADAP) syllabus in class. Weekly lesson plans are devised by CAS staff to cover all syllabus exercises and theory, as well as open class work, enchainments, choreography, concert and recital rehearsal and improvisation. All students sit an internal assessment for their grade at the end of the year as part of a normal weekly class. Students will be assessed on all syllabus exercises and receive a written report detailing their competency and giving feedback on their technique and performance. No marks will be issued.
Any dance or drama student who wishes to sit an external assessment may do so by arrangement. External assessments involve performing syllabus exercises for an Australian Dance Vision examiner as well as completing theory projects. Students receive both a written report and a mark. Fees associated with external assessments are to be paid by the student. External assessments are not compulsory at any stage. If you would like more information about ballet or drama external assessment please contact Claire to discuss the process in full.